
I support DPLA because I believe in the goals of the Democratic Party both locally  and nationally.  I am pro-choice, pro-education, pro-science.  I believe that human's are basically good.   I believe that being pro-choice, pro-education and pro-science helps myself and others become better. 

  • donated 2019-04-29 23:10:54 -0600



    If you would like to attend the 2020 Democratic Party of NM Legislative Dinner on January 23, tickets are $75 each. A non-refundable payment is required to reserve a space but if you will be unable to attend please notify [email protected] ASAP. 


Born in Meridian, MS. Grew up in New Orleans, La. Graduated BA University of New Mexico (UNM). Received MA from St. John's College, Santa Fe, NM. Taught high school in New Mexico for 13 years. Earned AA degrees in Electronics and in Computer Science.