Los Alamos Democrats: All the action is not in the other party.
We've all been jeering the preposterous antics of the top contenders in the other party. But we Democrats have a list of serious candidates out working right now who need our attention and support. We must select a candidate who can best deliver the message that Democrats are the party that takes government seriously.
A debate will be televised by CNN Tuesday night among five qualified, serious contenders for the Democratic nomination. Not a nut in the bunch!: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O'Malley, Lincoln Chafee, and Jim Webb. Joe Biden has been invited if he declares before 6 PM PDT on Tuesday night.
Anderson Cooper will moderate.
The party has rented the conference room at the new Smith's for a Debate Watching Party. The room is above the Starbucks; the stairway and an elevator is located near the restrooms. Doors open at 6 PM (debate coverage should begin at ~ 6:30). Refreshments provided. A $10 donation is not mandatory but will be gratefully accepted to defray costs.
P.S. Because of the holiday, there will not be a central committee meeting this Monday. We will meet on Monday, October 19th instead. You won't want to miss it, our featured speaker is a representative from Santa Fe for Bernie.
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