Debate Watching Party at Smiths

Los Alamos Democrats:  All the action is not in the other party. 

We've all been jeering the preposterous antics of the top contenders in the other party.   But we Democrats have a list of serious candidates out working right now who need our attention and support.  We must select a candidate who can best deliver the message that Democrats are the party that takes government seriously.  

A debate will be televised by CNN Tuesday night among five qualified, serious contenders for the Democratic nomination.  Not a nut in the bunch!:  Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O'Malley, Lincoln Chafee, and Jim Webb.  Joe Biden has been invited if he declares before 6 PM PDT on Tuesday night.  

Anderson Cooper will moderate.

 The party has rented the conference room at the new Smith's for a Debate Watching Party.  The room is above the Starbucks; the stairway and an elevator is located near the restrooms.  Doors open at 6 PM (debate coverage should begin at ~ 6:30).  Refreshments provided.  A $10 donation is not mandatory but will be gratefully accepted to defray costs. 


P.S.  Because of the holiday, there will not be a central committee meeting this Monday.  We will meet on Monday, October 19th instead.  You won't want to miss it, our featured speaker is a representative from Santa Fe for Bernie.

October 13, 2015 at 6:00pm - 9pm
Smiths Meeting Room
Michael Redondo John Finn Amy Birnbaum Kelley Weaver tarin nix Ann LePage Laura Plunkett David Brown Dennis Derkacs Dale Arnink Susan Gisler Joyce Nickols Guruneil Goodman Cathy Hayes Robyn Schultz George Chandler

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